Monday, August 8, 2011

Frolicking Butterflies

The Boss Man and I are going out on a breakfast date Tuesday the 30th. **Insert squeals of excitement here** I can't believe he's going to be so close so soon. I am insanely happy. As a matter of fact, last night I had dreams of butterflies frolicking in fields of rainbows. I'm so happy, my own dreams are making me nauseous. :P

Best Friend looked at me a couple of days ago and said, "I know you're excited, but your enthusiasm is killing my angst. I need my angst, so cut it out, will ya?" Gotta love best friends.

But back to Tuesday the 30th. This will be the first time we've seen each other in person in months! I'm not as crazy nervous as I was. The Boss Man has really helped with that. He promised that he would try to do better about keeping in touch when we're apart. As a matter of fact, he's been super sweet. He sends me all sorts of lovey dovey text messages throughout the day, and he's been letting me know if he's not going to be able to talk for awhile.

I've also been trying to do better at letting him know where I'm at. I'm a bit spacey at times. I'm gonna blame the artistic creative streak in me. I get in the zone, and everything just falls away. Time stops, the world ceases, and the only thing I'm aware of is what I'm currently working on. I'll get up and leave on a whim, lost in my own little world, and forget to tell anybody I'm going anywhere. I've been trying to do better, with some success. There were a couple of times I slipped up. Thankfully, this isn't a punishable offense.

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